Green Teacher Resources

Green Teacher a non-profit organization dedicated to helping educators, both inside and outside of schools, promote environmental awareness among young people aged 6-19.  ANROE is a Green Teacher webinar partner.

Green Teacher webinars cover a wide array of topics of interest to youth educators, whether working inside or outside of schools.  Typically they attract an equal mix of formal and non-formal educators.   Green Teacher receives no outside funding for its webinars. There is no cost to sign up and participate in a webinar, and the archived version can be freely viewed by non-subscribers for 30 days after the live session.  We use a few techniques to ensure that our webinar sessions are highly participatory from the get-go, so that participants learn from each other as well as from the presenter.   We provide subscribers with certificates of participation upon request, and charge $5 for non-subscribers.

To learn about upcoming webinars visit

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